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Take the remedy by placing 3-5 pilules under the tongue and let them dissolve there.


When administering pilules to infants or small children either crush the pilule and give directly or add to a glass of water, stir several times (the pilules will not dissolve) and take a teaspoon of the mixture as the dose.


Avoid touching the remedies with your hands. Tip the pilules into the lid of the vial and then drop them under the tongue.


If any pilules are dropped, they should be discarded. Do not return the pilules to the vial.


If after taking a dose of the remedy the symptoms get better or worse, please stop taking the remedy and watch and wait. Only have another dose of the remedy if the symptoms begin to return. In this case, take one more dose and then wait.


For acute symptoms a dose can be taken every 30 minutes for a maximum of 3-4 doses, then one dose every 1-2 hours if needed. When the condition starts to improve stop taking the remedy.


If symptoms change, then another remedy may be indicated.


Avoid taking anything orally 10 minutes either side of taking the remedy. This includes food, coffee, medications, and even cleaning your teeth.


Large amounts of peppermint, garlic, menthol, eucalyptus and other aromatics should also be avoided on the days when the homoeopathic medicine is taken


Store homoeopathic remedies away from: direct sunlight, heat, aromatics, perfumes, disinfectants, medicine chests, televisions, computers, mobile phones and other sources of electromagnetic radiation. They are best stored in a cool, dark and and dry place.


Each Homeopathic vial contain approximately 110-120 pilules (lactose-free & gluten-free).


All Homeopathics are kept way from EMFs (i.e. Wifi, mobile phones, electrical appliances...etc).

They are hand-made as required to ensure the best possible product is made available to you.


Our Homeopathics are Australian-made using German pilules, with remedies originating from Europe (where possible).


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