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Homoeopathy is present in almost every country in the world and its popularity is growing as people seek safer and more effective forms of Healthcare. It is currently the leading alternative medicine practice in Europe.


Homoeopathy treats the Individual as a whole, rather than just the disease. It does not suppress symptoms but instead goes to the root cause of the problem. It treats by the Law of Similars - like cures like – meaning a substance which can produce symptoms in a healthy person can also cure similar symptoms in a sick person.


Homoeopathic remedies are potentised, which means that the remedy contains only the energetic imprint of the original substance. Remedies above 12C contain no physical properties of the original substance. This means that there is no danger of toxicity, allergy, addiction or side effects. A Homoeopathic remedy can safely be taken by anyone, including Newborns, Children, Pregnant Women and the Elderly. Homoeopathics can also be used on animals. There are no known contraindications and Homoeopathic Remedies will not affect any prescribed medications that people may be taking.


Homoeopathy is suitable for most Mental, Emotional or Physical conditions.


The Homeopathic Dispensary stocks Single Homoeopathic Remedies (Simplexes) and Combination Homoeopathic Remedies (Complexes), as well as a variety of Homoeopathy Kits. We stock 6C and 30C potency as this potency addresses the Physical, Mental and Emotional symptoms. Higher potencies (e.g. 200C, 1M etc) are best used in consultation with a qualified Naturopath or Homoeopath, therefore we require a prescription to dispense these to you. We also offer Homoeopathic Treatment / Consultations for acute and constitutional conditions.


Each Homeopathic vial contain approximately 110-120 pilules (lactose-free & gluten-free).


All Homeopathics are kept way from EMFs (i.e. Wifi, mobile phones, electrical appliances...etc).

They are hand-made as required to ensure the best possible product is made available to you.


Our Homeopathics are Australian-made using German pilules, with remedies originating from Europe (where possible).


We stock 6X, 6C and 30C potencies.


These homeopathics are for use in minor injuries and ailments only. They are not suitable for self-treatment of serious, chronic or ongoing conditions. Serious injuries and illness should never be treated without seeking expert medical advice.


Please use only as directed and if symptoms persist, contact your health care practitioner.


If there is no change in symptoms after 4 doses, please stop taking the remedy and contact your healthcare practitioner.


The Therapeutic Goods Administration deems Homeopathy to be low risk. The advice and product information listed is based on remedy pictures outlined in Homoeopathic Texts and Materia Medicas.

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