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The White Light Essences were made by Ian White of Australian Bush Flower Essences.


The White Light Essences help provide clarity and the courage, strength and enthusiasm to pursue one’s goals and dreams. They help develop intuition, self-esteem, creativity and spirituality. The effect is similar to meditation in that the essences enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self.  Negative beliefs and thoughts are released, balance is restored and true healing can take place.


The essences of Water, Earth, Fire, Air help us to connect, embody, master and align to the Nature Spirit of the particular element. The essences of Higher Self, Devic, Angelic help us to connect with the highest part of ourselves and the devic and angelic realms.


Recommendations for Use


All the White Light Essences from the Homeopathic Dispensary are 15ml and dosage strength. Take 7 drops morning and night (on rising and retiring) until the bottle is finished.  It is recommended that you should first take the Water essence because it can activate the other essences more deeply.


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