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These homeopathic combinations have been made for 1st Aid and Common Conditions using a mix of remedies that are often indicated for a particular ailment. They are useful for people who find it difficult to choose a single remedy as they broadly cover the main symptoms associated with a particular condition using a mix of Homeopathics.


If the remedy you choose does not bring relief then it is likely that your required remedy is not included in the combination. In this case, please seek professional advice to choose a more appropriate remedy.


Each Homeopathic vial contain approximately 110-120 pilules (lactose-free & gluten-free).


The Combination Remedies come in 6C  or 30C Potencies.


All Homeopathics are kept way from EMFs (i.e. Wifi, mobile phones, electrical appliances...etc).

They are hand-made as required to ensure the best possible product is made available to you.


Our Homeopathics are Australian-made using German pilules, with remedies originating from Europe (where possible).


These combinations are for use in minor injuries and ailments only. They are not suitable for self-treatment of serious, chronic or ongoing conditions.

Serious injuries and illness should never be treated without seeking expert medical advice.


Please use only as directed and if symptoms persist, contact your health care practitioner.


The Therapeutic Goods Administration deems Homeopathy to be low risk.

The advice and product information listed is based on remedy pictures outlined in Homoeopathic Texts and Materia Medicas.



If your order is only a few Homeopathic Remedies

then discounted postage charges may apply.


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