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The Homeopathic Dispensary stocks a range of Homeopathic Remedy Kits including 1st Aid Kits, Children's Kits, Birthing Kits and Home Kits. All Homeopathic Remedy Kits come in various sizes and Remedy instructions are included.


All Homeopathics are kept way from EMFs (i.e. Wifi, mobile phones, electrical appliances...etc) and are hand-made as required to ensure the best possible product is made available to you.

Each Homeopathic vial contain approximately 110-120 pilules (lactose-free & gluten-free).

All Homeopathics are kept way from EMFs (i.e. Wifi, mobile phones, electrical appliances...etc).

They are hand-made as required to ensure the best possible product is made available to you.

Our Homeopathics are Australian-made using German pilules, with remedies originating from Europe (where possible).

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