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Homeopathic Kits - CHILDREN'S KIT (LARGE)

25 remedies + Rescue Remedy pillules


(Save 28% off Individual Homeopathic Prices)


  • (Save 28% off Individual Homeopathic Prices)





    This kit contains 25 homeopathic remedies plus Rescue Remedy pillules that help with ailments such as injuries, fevers, sore throat, earache, stomach pain, bites/stings, coughs, colds, croup, splinters, rashes, food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhoea, growing pains, worms and blood noses




    • Aconite 30
    • Apis 30
    • Arnica 30
    • Ars alb 30
    • Ant tart 30
    • Belladonna 30
    • Bryonia 30
    • Calc carb 30
    • Calc phos 30
    • Cina 30
    • Colocynthis 30
    • Drosera 30
    • Euphrasia 30
    • Hepar sulph 30
    • Hypericum 30
    • Ipecac 30
    • Ferrum phos 30
    • Ledum 30
    • Mag phos 30
    • Phosphorus 30
    • Pulsatilla 30
    • Rhus tox 30
    • Silica 30
    • Spongia 30
    • Sulphur 30
    • Rescue Remedy Pillules
    • Remedy Instructions


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