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Homeopathic Combination Remedy - WORMS




    Includes a combination of homeopathic remedies commonly used to help reduce or relieve symptoms associated with Intestinal Worms – e.g. itching, restlesssleep, teeth grinding, stomach pain, irritability.


    Instructions: Place 3-5 pillules under the tongue and leave to dissolve. Dose 2 times a day for up to 10 days or until symptoms are reduced or no longer present, then dose only as needed (i.e. only when symptoms return).


    Best taken prior to the full moon as worms are apparently more active at this time.


    Maximum 2 doses per day. Take only as directed.


    Contains equal parts of:  Cina, Nat phos, Sabadilla, Spigelia, Sulph in Sucrose




    Homoeopathic product without approved therapeutic indications




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