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ALFALFA Organic Fresh Plant Tincture







      Botanical Name

      Medicago sativa



      Organic Fresh Flowering Herb Top, Organic Alcohol, Spring Water (1:1)


      Pharmacological Actions

      • Alkaliser
      • Diuretic
      • Nutritive / Tonic

      – contains: Vitamins A, C, E & K, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous and Iron.

      • Lowers Cholesterol – helps to block absorption in the gut
      • Anti-inflammatory
      • Anti-haemorrhagic
      • Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial



      • High Cholesterol
      • Convalenscence
      • Fatigue
      • Anaemia
      • Allergies – e.g. Hayfever
      • Urinary and bladder problems – fluid retention, kidney stones
      • Prostate problems
      • Post-addictions
      • Atherosclerosis
      • Menstrual or Menopausal problems
      • Over acidity, dyspepsia
      • Under weight, trouble assimilating nutrients
      • Loss of appetite, poor digestion
      • Stomach ulcers
      • Clotting disorders – contains Vitamin K which helps the blood clot
      • Lactation – helps increase milk flow
      • Helps Connective Tissue Repair
      • Nourishing to Pituitary Gland
      • Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
      • Diabetes



      • Avoid in Pregnancy, Lactation and young children
      • Avoid in SLE, Oestrogen-excess conditions (e.g. breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroids) kidney transplant and spleen enlargement
      • Avoid if taking Warfarin
      • Consult your Doctor before taking Alfalfa if you have Diabetes, or are taking Oral Contraceptive Pills, Immunosuppressants or medicines that increase sensitivity to sunlight.



      • Adult – 40 drops (2ml) 3 times daily
      • Child - please phone or email for dosage
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