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ASTRAGALUS Organic Fresh Plant Herbal Tincture






      ASTRAGALUS Organic Fresh Plant Tincture


      Botanical Name

      Astragalus membranaceus




      Organic Fresh Root, Organic Alcohol, Spring Water (1:2)


      Pharmacological Actions


      • Adaptogen
      • Immune Stimulant
      • Tonic
      • Diuretic
      • Anti-viral
      • Vasodilator




      • Chronic low immune states – always catching coughs and colds, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, infections
      • Weakness / low energy / debility / fatigue
      • Chronic Bacterial or Viral conditions – e.g. Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS
      • Spontaneous sweating, Night sweats, fever
      • Glandular fever, Chronic Fatigue
      • To improve physical endurance and stamina
      • High blood pressure
      • To reduce the side-effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
      • Diabetes
      • Menopausal symptoms
      • Irregular Menstruation
      • Prolapsed uterus and uterine bleeding
      • Anaemia
      • Kidney disease, Nephrotic Syndrome, Oedema
      • Fibromyalgia
      • Angina, Heart failure, heart attack, myocarditis, shortness of breath
      • Hearing loss
      • Beta-thalassemia
      • Hepatitis
      • Digestive disorders – reduced appetite, bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea, stomach ulcers





      • Not for acute infections
      • Avoid in Pregnancy and Lactation
      • Avoid in auto-immune diseases – e.g. MS, SLE, RA etc
      • Consult your Doctor before using Astragalus if taking Cyclophosphamide, Lithium or Immunosuppressants, anti-viral medications, Cancer treatment





      • Adults: 40 drops (2 ml 3 times per day)
      • Children: Please phone or email for dosage
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