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Tissue Salt - CALC PHOS 6X


  • Approximately 120 pilules


    Dosage: 1-3 Pilules, 1-3 times Daily



    Tired, general tonic, growth support, cell builder, thin, glandular, structural support




    • Fatigued
    • Anxiety, nervousness and fear
    • Agitated
    • Poor memory, concentration and comprehension
    • Convalescence
    • Growing pains
    • Bone and muscle – pain, numbness
    • Slow development in children
    • Slow healing fractures
    • Bone diseases
    • Glandular enlargements
    • Chronic catarrh
    • Colic
    • Loss of weight with good appetite
    • Headaches – childhood, puberty and pregnancy
    • Frequent ear, nose and throat problems
    • Chronic lymphatic enlargement of neck, tonsillitis, adenoids
    • Delayed dentition
    • Rapid tooth decay
    • Poor digestion, poor appetite and assimilation of food
    • Anaemia
    • Chronic respiratory infections
    • Poor circulation
    • Growth of childhood
    • Pregnancy
    • Bed wetting
    • Nightmares
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