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Homeopathic Individual Remedy - CHAMOMILLA




    • Oversensitive, bad tempered, impatient, adverse to talking
    • Wants things but refuses them when offered
    • Children want to be carried
    • Oversensitive to pain, light, smell, noise, touch
    • Frantic pain, unbearable pain - oversensitive to pain
    • Teething children - one cheek red, the other pale
    • Diarrhorea with teething - green, watery and offensive
    • Earache
    • Toothache
    • Colic - bloating not relieved by flatulence
    • Insomnia
    • Rheumatic pain
    • Thirsty
    • < anger, contradiction, heat, draughts, coffee, 9am and 9pm
    • > being carried, warm humid weather







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