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Homeopathic Single (Simplex) Remedies vs Combination (Complex) Remedies

Homeopathy is present in almost every country in the world and its popularity is growing as people seek safer and more effective forms of Healthcare. It is currently the leading alternative medicine practice in Europe.

Single Homeopathic Remedies

Simplex or Single Homeopathic Remedies are made from one substance.

The origins of Homeopathy began with Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. Classical Homeopaths follow Hahnemann’s Theories and treat using the Law of Similars - like cures like – meaning a substance which can produce symptoms in a healthy person can also cure similar symptoms in a sick person. This form of Homeopathy uses single remedies (simplexes) in one potency which are prescribed one at a time for a person's health problems.

When choosing a Single Homeopathic Remedy, select the remedy with symptoms that closely match the symptoms that you are experiencing.

The Homeopathic Dispensary stocks Single Homeopathic Remedies, as well as a variety of Homeopathic Remedy Kits. We predominately stock 30C potency as this potency addresses the Physical, Mental and Emotional symptoms. Higher potencies (e.g. 200C, 1M etc) are best used in consultation with a qualified Naturopath or Homeopathic.

Combination Homeopathic Remedies

Complex or Combination Homeopathic remedies are formulas that are made from more than one substance.

Since the late 1920’s Combination Remedies have been used and are commercially available in many countries. Some Practitioners believe that the body’s disease processes are now more complex because of current practices of suppression from a variety of therapies and vaccination, and therefore feel the need for more complex remedies to deal with modern health problems.

Homeopathic Combination Remedies combine several homeopathic substances in one formula and are selected for a particular condition and help to encourage the body’s natural processes of elimination. Several research studies have shown that Combination Homeopathic Remedies work and may provide an safe relief of symptoms. In addition to clinical studies on humans, there has also been some research using homeopathic medicines to treat animals.

The Homeopathic Dispensary has made Homeopathic Combinations for 1st Aid and Common Conditions using a mix of remedies that are often indicated for a particular ailment. They are useful for people who find it difficult to choose a single remedy as they broadly cover the main symptoms associated with a particular condition using a mix of homeopathics.


All Homeopathics from the Homeopathic Dispensary are kept in an EMF-free environment (i.e. away from Wifi, mobile phones, electrical appliances...etc) and are hand-made as required to ensure the best possible product is made available to you.

The Homeopathic Dispensary Remedies are for use in minor injuries and ailments only. They are not suitable for self-treatment of serious, chronic or ongoing conditions. Serious injuries and illness should never be treated without seeking expert medical advice.

Please use only as directed and if symptoms persist, contact your health care practitioner.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration deems Homeopathy to be low risk. The advice and product information listed is based on remedy pictures outlined in Homoeopathic Texts and Materia Medicas.


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