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ABC - Pain & Fever (Baby & Kids)

ABC Pain & Fever is a traditional Homeopathic Combination Remedy that is useful to have on hand for the symptomatic relief of mild fever and pain in babies and children (under 12 years old).

It can be used whenever babies and children are unhappy, unsettled and irritable due to mild fever and pain, for example - at the commencement of colds/flu/viruses, earaches, sore throats….It can also be used for teething pain, if you do not have our more specific TEETHING Homeopathic Combination Remedy.

If you have young ones - make sure you have this handy little remedy in your medicine cabinet.

ABC Pain & Fever contains the following Homeopathics:

Fever that comes on suddenly, especially after getting cold or being in cold air. The skin is hot and dry, with flushed face. The child is restless, anxious and thirsty for cold drinks.

Fever that comes on suddenly. Dry, hot skin with red flushed face, headache. Pupils can be dilated, with glassy, staring eyes. There can be delirium.

Sensitive, irritable, whining, restless, hot and thirsty. The child wants to be carried. They want many things and then refuse them when offered. They are oversensitive to pain.

To administer homeopathic pillules to babies and young children you can crush 1-2 pillules and/or dissolve in a bit of water. Dose every 30 mins (for up to 3 doses) until symptoms start to improve, then re-dose only if needed (i.e. only when symptoms return).

If there is no change in symptoms after 4 doses, please stop taking the remedy and contact your healthcare practitioner.


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