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Did you know that Homeopathic Remedies are safe and effective for animals as well as humans? They can be used for all domestic, farm and wild animals.

The Homeopathic Dispensary has added a section on their website specifically for Animals which lists some of our most popular remedies used for animals of all shapes and sizes.

We sell our Homeopathic Remedies in Pillule form as we have found that this is more stable and lasts longer than if it is in liquid form. When giving animals a dose of a Homeopathic, you can add the pillules to their water - either whole (it is not a problem if they do not dissolve fully) or crush them between two clean spoons. Stir the water so that the energy of the homeopathic is distributed throughout. The animal can either drink from the bowl or you can get a syringe or teaspoon and give a little bit of the water directly to them. This is considered as one dose. The rest of the water is discarded and each subsequent dose is made up freshly.

Some of our Homeopathic Remedies that are formulated specifically for animals include:

  • Pulex 30C - for flea allergies

  • Kennel Cough 30C - to help increase a dog's resistance to Kennel Cough

  • Cat Flu 30C - to help increase a cat's resistance to Cat Flu

  • Paralysis Tick Bites (Animals) - a Combination Homeopathic Remedy which may help reduce or relieve symptoms associated with Paralysis Tick Bites – lethargy, panting, paralysis, laboured breathing, salivation, vomiting…etc

  • Ixodes halo - to help increase an animal's resistance to Tick Bites

  • Worming (Animals) - a Combination Homeopathic Remedy for worm infestations in animals. It can be used to help the animal build resistance to worms.

Many of our Homeopathic Combination Remedies can be used to help animals with common mild conditions. For example:

Many of our Homeopathic Individual Remedies can be used for animals, such as:

We will also be adding Homeopathic Kits and Herbal Tinctures for Animals, so keep an eye on the website for these......

Our homeopathic remedies should only be used for minor injuries and ailments. They are not suitable for the treatment of serious, chronic or ongoing conditions. Serious injuries and illness should never be treated without seeking expert Veterinary advice.

If there is no change in symptoms after 4 doses, please stop administering the remedy and contact your Vet

Please use only as directedand if symptoms persist, contact your Vet.

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