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Even though summer is nearly over I am still seeing people walking around with sun burnt skin. Outdoor fun in the sun carries the potential for sunburn especially when the UV index is at it's most extreme.

It is important to take measures to protect yourself and your loved ones from overexposure to the sun. Covering up, wearing a hat and seeking the shade should be a high priority during the middle of the day.

Symptoms of sunburn are redness, pain, heat, swelling and blistering of the skin. Blistering can lead to itchiness and peeling of the skin. If you do happen to get sun burnt the following Homeopathic Remedies and Herbal tinctures may help to reduce the pain and heal the skin more rapidly.


Homeopathics can be taken every 30 minutes for up to 4 doses. After this, they can be given 3 times a day for a few days to help with the pain and healing. As usual, when symptoms start to improve, stop taking the remedy and only re-dose if the pain returns.

Arnica - Sunburn is like a shock to the body, especially if it covers a large area of the skin. Give 1 dose of Arnica 30C or 200C initially.

Ars alb – Burning pain. Better for heat or hot applications.

Belladonna - Intense redness, throbbing, swelling, heat and burning. Pain is worse for heat and touch.

Calendula - Helps to promote healing.

Cantharis - Raw / smarting / burning pain. Large blisters. Itching. Worse for touch. Better for cold applications. 2nd degree burns of any type – e.g. sunburn, scalds, chemical burns.

Causticum - Burning pain, blisters, oozing, weakness. Old burns that are slow to heal. 3rd degree burns of any type.

Cuprum met - Sunburn causing sweating and cramping.

Ferrum phos - 1st stage of inflammation, heat, redness and pain

Hypericum - Painful blistering, shooting pains, small blisters. Itching. Worse for movement and cold.

Rhus tox - Blistering, burning, itching. Large vesicles.

Urtica urens – Violent itching. Intense prickling, stinging and burning pain. Blisters. 1st degree burns of any type. Worse for cold applications and bathing.

Sunburn - Homeopathic Combination Remedy to help reduce or relieve the symptoms associated with Sunburn – e.g. heat, pain and inflammation


Dilute 1 part tincture with 10 parts of pure water (e.g. 10ml tincture with 100ml water). Soak a compress in the mixture and apply often to the sun burnt skin or use a spray bottle to dispense:

Calendula – This may help to prevent blistering and infection. Useful for healing and promoting new skin growth if there are blisters.

Nettle – helps to soothe stinging pain.

Remember - the sun is very healthy in small doses and outside of the high UV times. Be aware of the UV index and adjust your exposure accordingly. Enjoy it in moderation.

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