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ANXIETY - Homeopathic Remedies

Here at The Homeopathic Dispensary we find that many people email or phone for advice on how Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine can help with anxiety.

This Blog looks at common Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety.

Please note: If you do not find a homeopathic remedy listed on our website - just click on the 'Homeopathic Remedy 30C' or 'Homeopathic Remedy Special order' to place an order.

ANXIETY & PANIC - Homeopathic Combinations Remedy

  • This is useful for people who find it difficult to choose a single remedy as it contains a combination of homeopathic remedies commonly used to help reduce or relieve symptoms such as: heightened emotions, confusion, weakness, palpitations, hyperventilation, trembling, diarrhoea, sweating

  • Anxiety / sudden, intense anxiety

  • Restless, agitated, trembling

  • Fear, fear of death / future / crowds / going out

  • Panic attacks, palpitations, shortness of breath

  • May result from shock or fright

  • Anxiety / anticipatory anxiety (e.g. before an interview /exam / public appearance / public speaking / social event…etc)

  • Restless, hurried, worried, apprehensive, nervous, OCD

  • Fear e.g. death / failure / bridges / closed spaces / heights / health / crossing street

  • Strange compulsions – e.g. impulse to jump from a high place

  • Memory problems, dizziness. Hates to be late. Warm blooded.

  • Digestive problems – diarrhoea, flatulence.

  • Worse in morning.

  • Better from cool fresh air.

  • Craves sweets and salt

  • Anxiety regarding health of themselves and others / future / robbers / money / insanity / order / security / disease / being alone

  • Panic attacks

  • Irritable, restless, fidgeting, pacing

  • Fastidious, very neat, controlling, perfectionist, critical

  • Weak and exhausted. Chilly.

  • Thirsty for frequent small quantities of water

  • Better for company, fresh air

  • Worse at or after midnight.

  • Anxiety

  • Fear of downward motion / falling / slight noise / unusual sound.

  • Nervous and fidgety

  • Nauseous

  • Anxiety regarding business

  • Anxiety

  • Fear, fear of change / losing control / going insane / heights / claustrophobia / death / misfortune / being alone / insects / spiders / animals

  • Nightmares

  • Restlessness, palpitations, easily startled

  • Overwhelmed from too much work or illness

  • Confusion, difficulty thinking, forgetful, weak memory

  • Irritable, lazy, stubborn, obstinate, tires easily

  • Likes stability, protection, order, completion, things going to plan

  • Chilly, pale face, easily fatigued, hungry

  • Sweats on exertion / head and feet / night sweats

  • Worse in the evening, from worry or bad news. Dreads disaster.

  • Craves sweets and eggs

  • Anxiety / apprehensive / foreboding

  • Depressed

  • Angry, restless, startled easily, forgetful

  • Worse at night, when thinking about ailments

  • Intensely sympathetic regarding suffering of others

  • Anxious, nervous, fearful

  • Anticipatory anxiety - stage fright / public speaking / interview / exam / before going to a doctor or dentist

  • Fears something terrible will happen / crowds / falling / heart will stop / wide open spaces (agoraphobia)

  • Diarrhoea, headaches, fatigue, aching of muscles and limbs.

  • Chilly, trembling of muscles, dizzy, vertigo, weakness, drowsiness, mental dullness, sweating

  • No thirst

  • Better for being held

  • Worse from fright, fear, exciting news

  • Anxiety

  • Oversensitive, crying, frequent sighing, mood swings (e.g. laughing then crying), tearful, brooding, sad, heartbroken

  • Recent grief / loss / disappointment / loneliness / criticism

  • Insomnia, palpitations, loss of appetite

  • Sensation of lump in throat

  • Worse for consolation

  • Anxiety regarding health – especially heart problems

  • Fears something bad will happen

  • Panic attacks

  • Restless and chilly

  • Worse at night / going to bed, accompanied by difficulty breathing

  • Anxiety from worry / nervous exhaustion / overwork / illness / over excitement

  • Exhausted, overwhelmed, irritable, unable to cope, oversensitive, stressed, startles easily, nervous dread

  • Fear of having a breakdown / something bad will happen

  • Insomnia, difficulty concentrating

  • Worse for bad news or thinking of current world events

  • Better for eating, warmth and rest.

  • Anxiety / Anticipation anxiety / Stage fright /

  • Fear of failure / responsibility

  • Lack self confidence

  • Intellectual, irritable, intolerant of contradiction

  • Digestive complaints, Gas, bloating

  • Claustrophobia

  • Craves sweets, warm food and drinks

  • Anxiety

  • Fear - night, robbers, humiliation, rejection, claustrophobia

  • Grief. Cries when alone.

  • Angry, depressed, reserved, aloof, easily offended, brooding, holds grudges

  • Insomnia, palpitations, tingling sensations in extremities

  • Migraines

  • Craves salt.

  • Dislikes consolation

  • Anxiety and nervousness

  • Fear of being alone / robbers/ dark / ghosts / thunderstorms

  • Friendly, social, excitable, empathic, suggestible, imaginative

  • Sensitive to others / odours / sounds / atmosphere / touch

  • Easily startled

  • Flushing of face, palpitiations, thirsty

  • Better for company, affection, reassurance

  • Likes cold drinks, cold refreshing food, sweets, chocolate, spicy food, ice-cream

  • Anxiety

  • Fear of rejection, insecure, clingy

  • Moody, teary, whiny

  • Sensitive, dependent, loves consolation and reassurance

  • Worse in warm stuffy rooms, after eating rich foods

  • Better from fresh air, mild exercise, consolation

  • Anxiety / anticipatory anxiety

  • fear of speaking in public / failure / interview / exams

  • Nervous, irritable, lacks self-confidence, stubborn, obsessive, serious, shy, responsible, diligent

  • Chilly, weak, low stamina, thin, thirsty, constipated

  • Anxiety, OCD

  • Night terrors

  • Feels forsaken

  • Can have mania, delirium, delusions

  • Anxious

  • Depressed, Suspicious, impatient, selfish, offended

  • Messy, averse to washing

  • Absent minded, forgetful, confused

  • Tired, sweating

  • worse in the morning

Stay tuned for our next Blog that identifies Herbal Tinctures that are helpful for Anxiety


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