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Heat Exhaustion / Heat Stroke

With the past few days being extremely hot (and humid here in Qld) we have had many cases of people suffering from heat exhaustion.

Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive sweating leading to fluid and salt loss which results in dehydration.

The symptoms of Heat Exhaustion include the following:

  • Headaches

  • Weakness and Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Muscle Cramps

  • Rapid pulse

  • Shallow fast breathing

Heat stroke is caused by prolonged exposure to heat (high temperatures or sun exposure) and results in the body losing it's ability to regulate temperature. This leads to a fever over 40°C and in severe cases confusion, delirium, vomiting, convulsions, high blood pressure and coma. Heat stroke requires urgent medical attention.

It is important to cool the person and replace the lost fluid and salts by drinking water (with added electrolytes) or coconut water, lying them down in a cool room, having them take a cool shower/bath, using fans, or applying wet towels / sponges...etc

Homeopathics and Herbal Tinctures can help people suffering from Heat Exhaustion. They can also be used for Heat Stroke while the patient is being taken for urgent medical attention.

The following Natural Remedies can help with Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke:


Sunstroke - This formula includes a combination of homeopathic remedies commonly used to reduce or relieve the symptoms associated with Sunstroke or Heat Exhaustion – e.g. headache, dizziness, weakness, high temperature

Aconite 30C - Anxiety and restlessness, red and dry skin, no sweat, headache, thirsty, faintness & dizziness, heat of whole body

Apis 30C - Red face, Congested headache, no thirst, rolls head from side to side

Belladonna 30C - Throbbing Headache, bright red face, hot and dry skin, pupils dilated, bloodshot and staring eyes, high fever, dry mouth, no thirst, strong and fast pulse, suddenness of symptoms, hot head and cold feet, bends head backwards

Bryonia 30C - Headache (frontal), worse for movement, very thirsty, desire to rest and be alone

Carbo Veg 30C - Collapse, clammy skin, desires to be fanned, throbbing headache (forehead)

Cuprum met 30C - spasmodic conditions, twitches / muscle cramps / convulsions

Ferrum phos 30C - First stage of fevers and inflammation, weakness and prostration

Gelsemium 30C - Headache (often begins in occipital), red face, fever, trembling and shaking, exhaustion and fatigue, sore aching muscles, blurred vision, heaviness of eyelids, drowsiness, dizziness, no thirst, anxious

Glonione 30C - Sweaty skin, hot head, cold extremities, pounding / throbbing / bursting congestive headache, palpitations, cold extremities, irritability and confusion, contracted pupils, fixed stare, glassy eyes

Lachesis 30C - Headaches from sun, worse on the left side, person feels worse after sleep, faintness and dizziness

Nat carb 30C - Debility and exhaustion, headache worse for mental effort, chronic effects of heat or sunstroke

Nat mur 30C - Fluid imbalance, Migraine, muscle cramps

HERBAL MEDICINE (mix a dose of Herbal Tincture in to plenty of fresh, purified water):

Chamomile - high in Calcium and Magnesium, good for the Nervous system, pain relieving, for muscle cramps and spasms, headaches, GIT spasms

Elderflower - helps to reduce the body temperature in fevers

Yarrow - helps to reduce the body temperature in fevers

Feverfew - helps in fevers, migraine/headaches

YEP - a traditional herbal remedy used for fevers containing Yarrow / Elderflower / Peppermint


Mulla Mulla - distress associated with exposure to heat & sun

Stay cool on these hot and humid days and make sure you have some Natural Remedies on hand if you tend to suffer from Heat Exhaustion.

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