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Gastroenteritis & Food Poisoning

As there currently is an outbreak of Gastroenteritis on the Sunshine Coast, we have been experiencing many calls for advice regarding remedies to help with the symptoms.

Gastroenteritis / Stomach Flu is mostly caused by a virus (but sometimes by bacteria and parasites). It causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines with symptoms of Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Cramps, Diarrhoea and sometimes a low-grade Fever.

Since the symptoms of Food Poisoning are similar to Gastroenteritis, the same Homeopathics and Herbal Tinctures can be used in both conditions.


Food Poisoning & Gastro Homeopathic Remedy – this is our combination remedy which can help to reduce or relieve symptoms associated with Food Poisoning and Gastroenteritis – eg Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea

Aconite – Great anxiety and fear accompany diarrhoea with a fever. Worse around midnight.

Arg nit – Diarrhea, Nausea, retching. Vertigo, anxiety, palpitations. Gas, belching and flatulence.

Ars alb – Vomiting and diarrhoea. Anxiety with restlessness, weakness and exhaustion. Chilly. Thirsty for small sips of water. Burning and cramping pains in abdomen. Fever. Worse around 1-3 am.

Bryonia – Nausea and vomiting – worse movement.

Chamomilla - Nausea and vomiting. Irritability.

China – Diarrhoea (painless), great weakness and exhaustion, abdominal bloating, rumbling, flatulence.

Ipecac - Constant nausea which is not relieved by vomiting. Excessive saliva, offensive breath, no thirst. Diarrhoea – offensive, yellow/green, frothy.

Nux vom – Nausea, vomiting, cramps. Irritable and oversensitive.

Phosphorus – Nausea, vomiting, burning pain in stomach. Desire for cold drinks which are vomited. Better for sleep.

Podophyllum - Offensive yellow watery diarrhoea. Rumbling and gurgling of abdomen with frequent urging for profuse foul-smelling stool. Cramping abdominal pains. Gagging and retching. Worse in early morning.

Veratrum album – Vomiting, projectile vomiting. Profuse diarrhoea. Thirsty for ice cold drinks, chilly, exhausted, may collapse, pallor of skin, profuse cold sweating.


Astragalus - not for acute infections - useful after to improve the immune system and energy levels

Calendula - GIT inflammations

Chamomile - Nausea, Vomiting. Colic, griping, cramping pains. Inflammation of GIT

Chickweed - GIT inflammations

Echinacea - Acute Bacterial or Viral Infections

Elderflower - Fevers, Colds and Flu

Lemon Balm - Fever, Colds and Flu

Marshmallow - GIT inflammation, gastroenteritis

Olive - Viral / Bacterial infections, Fever. Diarrhoea, salmonella, food poisoning. E. coli

Peppermint - Intestinal Colic, Flatulence, Nausea, Vomiting. Colds and Flu

Thyme - Digestive infections, infectious diarrhoea

Valerian - Anxiety. Intestinal Colic

Yarrow - Fevers, Colds and Flus. Diarrhoea

Please seek Medical advice if symptoms persist, there is a high-grade fever, blood in stools or vomit, dehydration or severe abdominal pain.

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