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Organic Fresh Plant Herbal Tinctures

The Homeopathic Dispensary is now stocking Organic Fresh Plant Herbal Tinctures.

Fresh Plant Herbal Tinctures come from the origins of Western Herbal Medicine and Homeopathy. The medicinal actions and effects of Herbal Medicines originated from the use of Fresh Plant Herbal Tinctures.

The Homeopathic Dispensary stocks Organic Fresh Plant Herbal Remedies which are grown in Australia and made within hours of harvesting. Each plant is picked at a particular energetic time of growth and then mixed with organic alcohol and spring water. In this liquid, the plants are macerated and then carefully pressed so that the fluid is separated. This resultant fluid is the Fresh Organic Herbal Tincture.

Unlike other Herbal Tinctures which are made from dried herbs, Fresh Plant Herbal Tinctures retain the original living essence (vital force) from the fresh plant. They are used by placing a small dose (in a small amount of water) under the tongue and holding it there for at least one minute before swallowing.

We have over 30 Organic Fresh Plant Herbal Tinctures available and will continue to add to our range. Please visit our website for details and descriptions of each Tincture.

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