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Shock / Grief / Fright

Shock, Grief and Fright are common emotions that are felt by everyone in their lifetime. The emotional trauma can result from a myriad of events such as the death of a loved one, being involved in or witnessing an accident, losing a job, the breakdown of a relationship or being the recipient of bad news. These traumas can cause physical and emotional effects on a person and make them lose their sense of balance or centre.

There are a few common Homeopathics, Herbal Tinctures and Flower Essences that can help to settle any effects of Emotional Shock, Grief or Fright.

These Combination Flower Essences can be used for any form of Shock, Grief or Fright. They both can be taken neat by putting 2-3 drops under the tongue and holding for a minute before swallowing or alternatively, a couple of drops can be mixed with a small glass of water and sipped whenever required.

With the following remedies a dose can be taken every 30 minutes for a maximum of 3-4 doses, then one dose every 1-2 hours if needed. When the condition starts to improve stop taking the remedy.

Aconite is useful for sudden, intense fright and shock. The person may be inconsolable - crying, screaming, trembling and restless.

Arnica is good for the effects of shock associated with an accident or injury, or receiving bad news. The person may say that they are OK and not wish to be touched.

Ignatia is for grief, worry, fright and emotional shock. They will weep, yawn or sigh and may feel like there is a lump in their throat. Often they try to control their tears and will grieve quietly away from others.

Nat mur is a remedy for grief. The person will not want consolation and may have a desire to be alone. They may appear angry, irritable or depressed.

Staphysagria is good for any anger or indignation that may result from emotional trauma.

Includes a combination of homeopathic remedies which are commonly used to help reduce or relieve symptoms associated with grief and shock – e.g. feeling emotional, weeping, brooding, apathy or depression. Dose 3 times a day until symptoms start to improve, then re-dose only if needed (i.e. only when symptoms return)


Any Combination of the following Herbal Tinctures would help to nourish and settle the Nervous System and restore balance after an Emotional Trauma:

Take these Herbal Tinctures at a dose of 20 drops 3 x per day until the bottle is finished (about 2.5 weeks)

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