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Vaccinations - Homeopathy & Herbal Medicine

Before I continue with this post, I want to make it clear that I am not interested in sharing my opinion on this subject - just information regarding Homeopathic and Herbal treatment options.

The Vaccination topic is fraught with controversy and I believe it is up each individual to form their own opinions and subsequently choose whether or not to vaccinate themselves &/or their children.

There is plenty of information regarding the Pros and Cons of each side of the argument, so please read all you can on the subject and make an informed decision that sits well with your own individual ethos.......not anyone else's.

There are various choices that can be made regarding Vaccination and ways that Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine can help. Some people choose to:

1/ Vaccinate and deal with any side effects that may arise using natural remedies - the topic of today's post.

2/ Not vaccinate at all and deal with any future diseases that may arise using Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies. This will be covered in future posts and is also relevant to those who have been vaccinated, as immunization is not 100% effective.

3/ Use Homeopathic Remedies for Prophylaxis.

In this Blog I will focus on information relevant to those who have chosen to vaccinate. There are homeopathic and herbal remedies that may help to lessen any reactions or side effects after having a vaccination:


Shock to the system. Early stages of inflammation, fever, chills, colds, flu....

Redness, pain and swelling around the injection site.

Pain, trauma and damage to the Nerve Tissue

Pain, bruising or swelling around the site. Specific for puncture wounds

Generalised reaction after a Vaccination.

Generalised reaction following a Vaccination.

Includes a combination of homeopathic remedies commonly used to help reduce or relieve symptoms associated with Vaccinations - such localized redness, swelling, soreness, or bruising in the area, flu-like symptoms, headache, fatigue etc


Herbal medicines can help to detoxify and nourish any body systems that may have been affected by the vaccinations.

General Blood Cleanser

Gentle Nervine

Helps to detoxify the Lymphatic System and kidneys

For the Immune System and the Lymphatics

Helps cleanse Liver and Gall Bladder

Blood Cleanser - Alterative

Restorative to the Nervous System

Make your own Herbal Tincture with up to 5 of the above herbs

Please consult your Healthcare practitioner if there is a severe reaction to a Vaccination.

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