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Chicken Pox (Varicella) is an infectious disease which is caused by the herpes zoster virus. It mainly affects children and causes a mild fever, sore throat, headache, malaise and a characteristic itchy skin rash which turns to blisters and then scabs after about 5 days.

Two years ago there was an outbreak of Chickenpox at a school my son went to. Almost all of the children at the school came down with the virus regardless of whether they had been vaccinated for it or not. As the incubation period is around for 14-16 days, the outbreak seemed to last for several months as it spread from one classroom to another and sometimes back again.

When children present in clinic with Chickenpox, I use Homeopathic remedies to help relieve the itchiness of the rash so that scratching and scarring are minimized and Herbal Tinctures to boost the immune system so that the body can cope with the virus. I may also use herbs for any related cough or a few drops of Herbal tincture in water or cream as a soothing topical treatment and to help with skin healing.


Scaly, pustular eruptions that itch and burn.

The rash may be slow to develop and the patient may have a cough or bronchitis. The eruptions can be large.

The child is very weepy and clingy. Their mood and symptoms are changeable.

Dry, itchy and clear vesicles which are aggravated by scratching. The child is very restless.

Chicken Pox Homeopathic Combination Remedy - includes a combination of homeopathic remedies commonly used to help reduce or relieve symptoms associated with Chickenpox – e.g. itchiness, rash, cough


Herbs to boost the immune system - Echinacea & Thyme

Herbs to help decrease itchiness and help the skin heal - Chickweed & Calendula

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